A Walk With Sile Na Gig Guided Meditation

The Prosperity Priestess
Price: $9.97

Sile Na Gig (pronounced Sheila na gig) is a Celtic Crone Goddess of life and death.

There is much dispute over what the somewhat vulgar carvings found on buildings and churches across Europe, but primarily in Ireland, represent. A smiling old woman holds open her vagina. What does she have to teach us?

Take a Walk with Sile Na Gig, into the depths of Mother Earth, and visit loved ones who have passed. She holds open the doorway between the worlds. Find out the Mysteries this hag has to teach you. You might be surprised at what she has to say to you!

Life Coach Sayward

Walks With the Goddess Guided Meditation Series

Included in the Walks With the Goddess Guided Meditation Set:

  1. 8 Walks With the Goddess Guided Meditations
  2. A Walk with Cernunnos
  3. Four Winds Cleansing Meditation
  4. AND Five Elements Meditation

That’s almost 4 hours of guided meditation to help you Walk With the Goddess!

Walks With the Goddess Guided Meditation Series: $89.00
